Hands On

I am so excited to show you the first glimpses of some little sculptures I have been working on over the last few weeks. I have LOVED starting this and am excited to do more, bigger, smaller and with different materials! I have never sculpted before so this has been…trials and errors. Lots of them, I actually managed to make a mold of the carpet on my studio floor after my first ‘mold’ didn’t hold together ( I followed the instructions on the internet, as if the internet is ever wrong haha). The carpets value went up by $180 of mold material, I was even impressed.

And if I have done this right, now you are reading from the new blog on my website…

Self Portaits in Plaster Self Portait in Rust Patina Self Portait in Rust Patina Self Portait in Bronze Patina

Each is roughly 30 centimeters in height and is covered in an amazing Patina with either real Bronze, Metal or… Glitter. There will be a few more for the show opening on February the 20th in No Vacancy Gallery in Melbourne…

Free. Yes that’s right, this is for you.

Unlike someone and the NBN, I’m giving this to you. I have been for a long time, frustrated, that only a few of my friends and collectors could afford the work I do. So, this is the first in a series of things I will give away. I’ll announce more in the coming weeks. I’m super excited about the other things I have got planned to give out. I am really, really excited that nearly anyone will be able to have my art.


If you want to keep updated on the rest of the giveaways, find the follow button at the bottom right of the page or send me an email and I’ll keep you updated!

So this is my first giveaway, all you have to do is right click on it and it’s yours to download print, share or just look at! If you want to turn it into a stencil all you need to do is print it on something and cut out the bits you want to spray in… Just be responsible with where you spray it! If you want to do a two tone stencil just ask in the comments section and I’ll explain more.

Feel free to add or subtract from it, just no commercial uses please… It’s under creative commons which you can check out below.

Creative Commons License
Infinity Loop by Harley Manifold is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.harleym.net.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available via this sites contact page.

New little studies

In the last two or three months, my technique feels like it has taken a giant leap forward – and then gotten stuck haha. But a leap forward none the less… They never reproduce on the internet as well as I would like, but I hope you enjoy.

White Shoes & Sunglasses.. going to need some sunglasses for this one…



So usually I don’t paint bright, nor do I use pure Cadmium Orange or Cadmium Yellow, especially not in the same painting… So this is a departure for me, a very, very bright departure… It will be interesting to see where this one ends up, It is making me SUPER ANXIOUS having all these colour things as well as tonal contrasts happening in one picture. I am trying to tell myself it’s like when I was young and had only worn black shoes ever then finally I got a pair of white and I couldn’t stop anxiously staring at my feet going ARGH! haha. It’s from a power station in Melbourne looking along the tracks, can you tell where?

A little one

Lately with the help of my friends I have been tramping around Melbourne and getting them to run amok… with a cardboard box on their head… Some are more adventurous than others and the result is sometimes… humorous…

Oil on primed canvas board (that leg needs a little fixing! oops)
Oil on primed canvas board (that leg needs a little fixing! oops)

Make Good Art.

For all the artists who follow my blog and well anyone who needs a little boost…  A little inspiration. Make good art… And just enjoy it.

Do whatever it takes 🙂